目前分類:帛琉/帕勞/Palau NEWS (6)

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將帛琉傳統神話雕刻於木板之上 很受日本遊客喜愛

據說木雕是日本引進帛琉的,如今木雕故事板(Story board)加入帛琉民族特色,已成為具有文化價值的產物



也就是海龜產卵周期的故事 (是有恭喜政黨輪替的ㄧ嗎?)

當然不是我厲害 是透過帛琉監獄的木雕故事板專家所得知的情報



小花在帛琉潛水時 常常見到他的蹤影






蔡英文總統首度接見外賓 與帛琉總統談海洋保育

2016年05月21日 12:14


蔡英文總統21日在總統府內會晤帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)(總統府)

蔡英文總統21日在總統府內會晤帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)(總統府)

結束就職日的緊湊行程,蔡英文總統21日在總統府內進行任內第一場接見,會晤來台出席就職典禮的帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)一行。蔡總統表示,帛琉致力推動海洋保育,台灣同為四面環海的國家,雙方未來可以攜手合作。


蔡英文總統21日在總統府內會晤帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)(總統府)
蔡英文總統21日在總統府內會晤帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)(總統府)



蔡英文總統21日在總統府內會晤帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)(總統府)
蔡英文總統21日在總統府內會晤帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.)(總統府)




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身為在帛琉壯遊已五個月的我們 感覺有必要出來說明一下

(雖然我們不是王陽明與蔡詩芸 哈哈哈)


根據我們所知 水母湖之前是曾經有一段時間禁止穿蛙鞋

但後來發現 黃金水母被沒有穿蛙鞋的雙腳一蹬 更容易支離破碎或全殘

穿著蛙鞋因為動作不需用力 所以水母被蛙鞋揮到比較沒事


而在帛琉觀光局出版的Alii Palau免費遊客指南》中文版第57頁標題〈我們如何維護水母湖的健康生態〉完全沒有提到禁穿蛙鞋,上面提到將個人物品留在船上浮潛裝備除外。












蔡詩芸入水母湖穿蛙鞋挨轟 王陽明護妻反駁

作者娛樂中心/綜合報導 | NOWnews – 2016年2月23日 上午11:55


王陽明和老婆蔡詩芸經常遊山玩水,也不吝嗇在臉書分享所見所聞, …

王陽明和老婆蔡詩芸經常遊山玩水,也不吝嗇在臉書分享所見所聞, …






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(CNN)Where to go in 2016: Top 16 up-and-coming destinations

By Anisha Shah, for CNN

Updated 0322 GMT (1122 HKT) December 23, 2015


(CNN)The best stories arise from the road less traveled.

As new routes launch, developing nations welcome tourism and closed-off regions emerge.

So what's hot in 2016?

We asked an expert panel of pros who thrive and survive on travel to new frontiers.

Whether it's staring into the eyes of a wild mountain gorilla in Uganda, snorkeling amidst stingless jellyfish in Palau or drinking yak butter tea with nomads in a ger in the Gobi,we're spoiled for choice with these 16 emerging destinations for 2016.


Papua New Guinea

The Arctic: Iceland, Greenland and Norway



India's national parks



United States: North Cascades National Park

Patagonia Corridor

South Georgia Island and Antarctica







<img alt="Palau&amp;#39;s Rock Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage site. " class="media__image" src="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/151218163903-15-emerging-destinations-palau-large-169.jpg">

Palau's Rock Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Palau archipelago is a natural beauty of emerald outcrops and light lagoons.

Called the "Serengeti of the Sea," it's one of the world's premier dive spots.

What's new?

A nation the size of New York City, Palau recently "protected" 80% of its ocean by creating a marine reserve larger than California.

An ecotourism leader, the country has one of the world's highest marine biodiversity populations, with 1,300 fish and 700 coral species.

And then there's mountaintop Jellyfish Lake, nature's wildlife wonder.

Visitors can swim and snorkel amidst hundreds of thousands of venom-free jellyfish, then take to the skies on an open-door light aircraft for views of the 445 Koror Rock Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Where to stay: Palau Pacific Resort recently opened four overwater bungalows, all offering high-tech fittings and steps straight into the sea.

When to go: October to May.




Originally named "Ilha Formosa," this beautiful island birthed the global Chinese Buddhism movement, which is headquartered at the high-tech, 100-acre Fo Guang Shan monastery.

Sun Moon Lake is the energy center of the island and showcases the island's indigenous culture.

Tea and Taiwanese foods are major draws in trendy capital Taipei, a confluence of night markets, designer shops and miniscule alleys studded with lanterns and neon signs.

"Soaring green mountains, thriving cities and food to rival any Asian cuisine... this hot new destination will soon enter everyone's bucket list," says James Thornton, CEO of Intrepid Travel.

When to go: Taiwan's cherry blossom festivals, Lantern Festival and Peace Day take place February to April. September to November is also an ideal time to visit.



CNN特別推薦了佔地100英畝的佛光山、有獨特原住民文化的日月潭、可品嘗台灣美食的時尚首都台北等處,針對觀光時間則建議在2到4月或9到11月來台旅遊,並順帶推薦了櫻花季、春節燈會等熱鬧活動,文中還引述了探險旅遊公司(Intrepid Travel)的執行長索頓(James Thornton)的評價:「有著繁華的城市、傲視亞洲的美食以及高聳的翠綠青山,(台灣)將被放進每個旅客的口袋名單。」


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2016-01-07 02:58 聯合報 記者江慧珺/台北報導










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Business Wire

(美國商業資訊)--O3b Networks今天宣布,帛琉領先的資訊通訊技術(ICT)服務供應商帛琉電信(Palau Telecoms)自2015年1月推出O3b服務以來第二次升級容量。增加的傳輸量使帛琉電信能夠繼續在整個島國部署先進的行動通訊和無線電視網路。



帛琉電信執行長Sam Masang表示:「帛琉電信很高興能夠與O3b再度深化雙方合作,從而讓我們的國家和民眾重新點燃一切可能的發展希望,包括旅遊、商業和教育。我們再次借助O3b擴展了我們的頻寬,他們的可靠網路提供我們的客戶希望獲得的、對於應用程式和解決方案極為重要的低延遲。」

O3b Networks亞太與中東副總裁Imran Malik表示:「O3b非常高興能夠與帛琉電信建立強大的策略合作關係,並讓帛琉人民體驗全新的應用程式和更高的效能。O3b的使命是將大陸主要城市的用戶享有的相同連接品質帶給生活在島上的人們,而帛琉電信為我們讓其用戶獲得這一連接品質提供了幫助。」

關於O3b Networks Limited

O3b Networks Limited是一家全球衛星服務提供者,為新興市場的電信營運商、網際網路服務提供者、企業及政府客戶經營新一代衛星網路。O3b系統集衛星的全球涵蓋範圍和光纖網路的速度於一體,為近180個國家的數十億消費者和企業提供低成本、高速度、低延遲的網際網路與行動連線。O3b Networks的投資人包括SES、Google、Liberty Global、HSBC Principal Investments、Northbridge Venture Partners、Allen & Company、南非開發銀行、Sofina、Satya Capital和Luxempart。O3b Networks總部設在海峽群島澤西島聖赫利爾。


帛琉電信(Palau Telecoms)由Palau Communications & Electronics Company (PCEC)創立,自1987年以來一直作為Palau Equipment Company Inc.旗下公司展開營運。它最早是透過超高頻(UHF)、特高頻(VHF)和單邊帶電台提通訊服務。


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帛琉名列第四 僅次於波札那 日本 美國



孤獨星球2016最值造訪國家 波札那居冠

2015-10-29 00:57:23 中央社 墨爾本28日綜合外電報導

波札那豐富的自然景觀會讓到訪旅客驚艷難忘。 圖/Ingimage




波札那之會成為孤獨星球(Lonely Planet)2016年推薦造訪地的第1名,是因為該國盡力保育,其豐富的自然景觀會讓到訪旅客驚艷難忘。





The Pacific’s greenest secret

from  http://www.lonelplanet.com/best-in-travel/countri...

Handballed between various foreign powers for centuries, Pacific pipsqueak Palau is charting its own path through the uncertain waters of national independence. While the US still plays Big Daddy, Palau is its own master. In 2014 President Remengesau was named a ‘Champion of the Earth’ by the United Nations for strengthening the economic and environmental independence of Palau and creating a 100% marine sanctuary of its oceans. His message: ‘The environment is our economy. The economy is our environment.’

Collected behind a 110km barrier reef, more than 200 largely unspoilt limestone and volcanic islands – a mere eight are inhabited – are blanketed in tropical and mangrove forest and surrounded by waters teeming with marine life. Fairly constant temperatures and rainfall mean any time of the year is good to visit, although it becomes more typhoon-prone in the back half of the calendar.

Palau has as much to fear from rising sea levels and environmental degradation as any other Pacific nation, but it’s tackling those fears head-on, and is leading conservation efforts in the region. Such progressive thinking makes these islands a haven for diving and snorkelling (among the best in the world) as well as kayaking, sailing and wildlife watching. The secret is out in East Asia already, which means Palau is looking to limit the number of tourists it can host at a time.

Life-changing experience

Cutely dubbed an ‘underwater Serengeti’, Palau’s waters are stunningly diverse and it’s unquestionably one of the most magical underwater destinations in the world. Divers and snorkellers enjoy hundreds of species of fish and coral, sharks, dolphins, dugongs and turtles, all attracted by the confluence of nutritive currents that meets in this corner of the Pacific vastness.

If you prefer to stay above sea level, take an ocean kayak through the uninhabited archipelago of the Rock Islands. Almost alien in its beauty, it’s made up of 445 limestone formations swaddled with verdant green and fringed by reefs. Nearly 400 species of coral, the world’s highest concentration of marine lakes, the remains of now-vanished human habitation and the continuing discovery of new and endemic species led Unesco to list this as a World Heritage Site.

Current craze

In 1944, the Japanese and Americans fought for three desperate months for control of the island of Peleliu’s important airfield. The tragic result was over 10,000 Japanese and 2,000 American casualties, and an island paradise littered with wreckage. Today, many of the rusted tanks, planes, small arms and (highly dangerous) unexploded ordnance that attest to the ferocity of the struggle remain. Tourists, carefully shepherded by expert guides, are increasingly being drawn to this fascinating site, where you can even enter the cave networks left by the Japanese defenders, and find everyday artefacts left behind. This isn’t as ghoulish as it may sound: many of the visitors are here to pay respect to fallen relatives, and moves are afoot to preserve the site for its outstanding historical significance.

Trending topics

A 400% year-on-year increase in visitors from China in February 2015 put some noses out of joint in Palau and resulted in a reduction in flights scheduled from China. Palau’s pristine environment makes it a popular destination for the Chinese, Korean and Japanese jet set, but locals have complained about a lack of environmental awareness threatening their precious assets.

Most bizarre sight

Jellyfish Lake is an otherworldly lagoon on the uninhabited limestone Rock Island of Eil Malk. Millions of an endemic sub-species of golden jellyfish drift across the marine lake in an east-west migratory pattern that’s repeated every day. Such is the sensitivity of the lake that visitors must obtain a permit, but snorkelling with these harmless, highly photogenic jellyfish is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

By Tasmin Waby

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/best-in-travel/countri...


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